The Allen Illustrated Guide to Bits and Bitting 
Price:30 US $
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Started:Saturday, March 09, 2019 02:40 PM
Ends:Monday, April 08, 2019 02:40 PM
Current Time:Sunday, April 28, 2024 01:29 PM
Seller chevette (96% 32)Star
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Item ID:10641
First bid: US $
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Location:MENOMINEE, MI 49858

The Allen Illustrated Guide to Bits and Bitting
A comprehensive illustrated guide to bits and bitting.A fully comprehensive yet essentially simple and attractive guide to bits and bitting, illustrating all types of bits and describing their correct fitting and use. There are sections on nosebands, reins, and martingales. The author, who has spent a lifetime in the saddlery trade, has produced the ultimate reference book.A guide to bits and bitting, this work covers various aspects of the subject including: a pictorial guide to different types of bit, their correct fitting and action, sections on internal and external aids, assessing the structure of the horse's head, pressure points explained simply, bit accessories, bitting materials, and more.Contains 92 drawings and over 400 photographs.ISBN: 0851317251Publisher: J. A. Allen, London
Weight22.5 Oz
Height0.6 In.
Width8.3 In.
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