10 Barbary Partridge eggs 
Price:40 US $
Quantity:10 (Available: 7, Sold: 3)
Time left:connecting...
Started:Saturday, January 04, 2020 11:00 AM
Ends:Wednesday, March 04, 2020 11:00 AM
Current Time:Monday, April 29, 2024 02:47 AM
Seller chevette (96% 32)Star
High Bidder -
Item ID:10738
Features:Gift Featured Featured Plus
First bid: US $
# of bids:2
Location:MENOMINEE, MI 49858

Quantity 10 Barbary Partridge eggs from 5 unrelated pairs. These birds are 2 and 3 years old.

$40 for 10 eggs. shipping $15

Will start shipping in the spring as soon as I have verified fertility.

I ship in a 12x12x8 inch box using quail egg shipping foam.

I only ship on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, unless you ask for specific ship date.

I will sell eggs from all my birds, temmincks, edwards, reeves, golden, peach golden, yellow golden and barbary partridge.

Obviously I can't guarantee all your eggs will hatch or even that every egg is fertile, but this is a way to own different breeds that are expensive to buy and very costly to ship as young birds.

I will not ship chicks.

Payment Methods
Seller's payment instructions:
I accept paypal and personal check
Shipping & Handling
Package weight: First item: 2 lb Additional item: - lb
Package Size: (Width: - X Height: - X Length: -) inch
Type: Package (or thick envelope)
Ship Time:
Will Ship To:
Shipping Cost:
Seller's shipping instructions:
Sales Tax
Sales Tax: Not Applicable
Shipping Insurance:
Return Policy
Return Period: No returns
Refund Method: None
Seller's return instructions: