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frankstrade.com offers a variety of banner advertising opportunities to bring traffic to your web site. As a banner advertiser you will receive 24/7 access to a password protected, real time Advertising Report showing daily and hourly performance of yourbanner, number of displays and click-throughs made to date, as well asoverall click-through ratios for each banner account and other useful stats. 

Banners can be either Images or HTML code or rich media. Animated GIF banners are gladly accepted. For HTML and rich media banners please use "" and"" in your HREF tags, i.e. <a HREF="<!--Click_Track-->" <!--TARGET-->>Click Here</a> where <!--TARGET-->is the link target tag. If you do not do this, we can not track the number of click-throughs.

You will receive a response to your inquiry within 24 hours from one of our experienced account managers who will work with you to optimize your advertising campaign with frankstrade.com.


General Rotation 468x60 Ads Rate Card

The ad rates below are for general rotation ads only for banner size of 468x60 pixels. All banners must be 12KB or less in size. Animated GIF banners are gladly accepted. Banners are placed in best locations on oursite assuring the best visibility for your advertisement.

Impressions CPM** Total Price
5,000 $4.00 $20
10,000 $3.00 $30
25,000 $2.60 $65
50,000 $2.30 $115
100,000 $2.00 $200
250,000 $1.80 $450
500,000 $1.30 $650

** CPM refers to Cost Per Thousand impressions.
An impression is made any time a visitor views your banner adimage.

General Rotation 120x90 Ads Rate Card

The ad rates below are for general rotation ads only for banner sizeof 120x90 pixels. All banner must be 10KB or less in size. Animated GIF banners are gladly accepted. Banners are placed in best locations on our site assuring the best visibility for your advertisement.

Impressions CPM** Total Price
5,000 $3.00 $15
10,000 $2.50 $25
25,000 $2.00 $50
50,000 $1.80 $90
100,000 $1.50 $150
250,000 $1.20 $300
500,000 $1.00 $500

** CPM refers to Cost Per Thousand impressions.
An impression is made any time a visitor views your banner adimage.


We have also other advertising plans. Please contact usif you have any questions or interested in advertising with us.
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