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Forum as a Public square, one can post your topics and will receive replies posted by other users. Forums will become more interactive when different users with a common interest go for information sharing.

Forum Home

Only a registered user can post a New Topic under a selected forum.

A search button on the top of the page provides a provision for the user to search his forums and topics or any content he wish to search for.

For posting a new topic you must:-

    1. Select a particular Forum.
    2. Click on the New Topic button.
    3. “Post a new topic” window will appear where you can scribble your views and can browse your folders for uploading an image.

Apart from adding, one can edit and delete his own post.

No one except the Administrator can delete yours and others topics.

To view a particular post of other user, you can just click on that particular post.

  • The Ash colored fire symbolizes Cool Topics with 5 replies.
  • The Yellow fire indicates that the topics became Popular after receiving 10 replies.
  • The Red fire represents Hot Topics which had received 20 and above replies.

Sort by: To make the users view topics in a more flexible way, a Sort by: option is defined. Different types of sorting for the topics are:

    1. Alphabetical a-z and z-a 2. Replies Up and Replies Down etc.

Jump to forum: From the current forum, you can jump to another forum by selecting anyone of the forums listed in the collapse and expand widget.

  • The Green Bulb indicates that the topic had been already read.
  • A Yellow Bulb indicates that the topic is left unread.

My Posts

Lists all your posts, topics and replies you had submitted, total number of replies and Views, Author name (For whom you had posted a reply) and the Name of the Author who had submitted his last post along with the posting date and time.

1. +Favorites: This button marks yours and other user's posts as your personnel favorite post. It will be then available on My Favorites option of Forum. To make it non favorite, just click on '-Favorite'.

2. +Notify: To receive intimation e-mails when other users post new topics or new replies. You can stop receiving e-mails if we click on ‘-Notify’.

Newest Posts

Displays all new posts based on the latest time first. You can view all the latest posts based on the time range in which they are posted, say One hour, Six months, One year etc.

  • From the Newest Posts, you can jump to another forum.
  • Searching for posts can be also made here.

Unread Posts

Lists all the unread posts from all the forums in any of the sorted form. All the features provided in the “Newest Posts” are also available in “Unread Posts”.

  • A Yellow Bulb indicates that the topic is left unread.

Favorite Topics

User can view all the topics that are once marked “Favorite”. All the features in the “Newest Posts” and “Unread Posts” are also available in “Favorite Topics”.

Advanced Search:-

This form is to find what you need exactly.

  • Words to search for: Words that are to be searched is typed in the column provided.
  • Search for Authors: Provides a detailed search for the Authors.
  • Forums: Name of the Forum can be given here.
  • Sort results by: Will sort the results on the basis of:
  • 1. Last Updated 2. Post Title 3. Author 4. Views 5. Post Time 6. Last Updated
  • Return first: Will return characters of messages ranging between 300 and 1000.
  • Results per page: The user can set the number of results that can be viewed per page. Range is between 5 and 200.
  • Filter by authors: Provides a detailed filtration based on the authors who had posted in the Forums.
  • Search previous: Previous posts and replies can be searched. Topics posted before One hour, 6 months, One year etc. can be searched.
  • A Reset button placed to the end of the page helps you to reset all the entries made in all the columns.
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