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These user-friendly tips help the visitors and the registered users of thefrankstrade.com to quickly find what they are looking for.
1.Keywords to be searched can be entered in the text area provided.
•Search by Item ID - Item ID is the item number associated with an item and it will be unique. i.e, no two items can have the same item ID. Enter the ‘Item ID’ in the search box and the system will retrieve the item with that particular Item Number.
•Title Search – Enter the keyword in the search box. All items with the title containing this keyword will be listed.
2.You can select a category or all categories in which the search has to be made.
3.Searching using Zip code finds those items belonging to that respective region.
4.You can also search for an item within a particular distance from your home town by entering the Zip code and the distance. To get the desired item,it is mandatory that you must enter both the Zip code and the distance in miles.
Operators that can boost Simple Search:
AND | word1 AND word2 | 1. book AND pen 2. book and pen | Lists all items that have the words book and pen in its title. | 1. book andpen 2. bookand pen |
OR | word1 OR word2 | 1. book OR pen 2.book or pen | Lists all items that has either book or pen or both the words in its title. | 1. book orpen 2. bookor pen |
AND NOT | word1 AND NOT word2 | 1.book AND NOT pen | Lists all items that has the word book, but not the word pen. | 1.book andnotpen 2.bookandnot pen |
+ | 1. +word1 2. word1 + word2 [blank space is allowed.] | 1. +book 2. book + pen | 1.Lists all items that has the word book in it. 2. Lists all items that has either book or pen or both. | |
- | word1 -word2 [“-” must be tagged infront of the word that is to be filtered. No space in between.] | book -pen | Lists all items that has the word book, but not the word pen. | 1.book – pen 2.book- pen |
* | 1. word* 2. *word | 1. pen* 2. boo* 3. *shelf | 1. Returns listings with words that has the word pen and the words starting with "pen" such as pentagon, pencil. 2. Lists all words starting with “boo”, like book, bookshelf etc. 3. Lists all words ending with “shelf” , like bookshelf, | |
“ ” | “word1 word2 word3” | “An Adorable Silver Pheasant for sale” | Returns listings with the exact words specified within the double quotes. | “An Adorable Silver Pheasant for sale” [words must be entered in the correct order] |
For accomplishing a faster and accurate search, AdvancedSearch facility can be used. Within Advanced Search, an additional,but yet an optional search is provided to refine your searching. It ismandatory that you enter the keywords in the Advanced Searchfield if you go for this optional one.
Note: Enabling the “Search title anddescription” option makes the search not only in the title, butalso in the description of the items too.
Functionalities under Advanced Search
1.with all of the words
2.with the exact phrase
3.with at least one of the words
Suppose there is an item ‘Apple iPod Accessories for sale’. Toget this item using Advanced Search option:
with all of the words | word3 word1 word2 [Similar to the AND operator of Simple Search] | iPod Accessories Apple | Returns listing with all the three words – iPod, Accessories and Apple. | iPodAccessoriesApple [Should separate the words using a blank space] |
with the exact phrase | word1 word2 word3 [Similar to the “” operator of Simple Search] | Apple iPod Accessories | Returns listing with the exact phrase - Apple iPod Accessories | iPod Accessories Apple |
with atleast one of the words | word2 word3 [word1 can be left out] | iPod Apple | Returns listing with the words iPod or Apple or both | iPodApple [Should separate the words using a blank space] |
Optional functionalities that can boost Advanced Search:
Advanced Search provides an additional, but yet an optional search to refineyour searching. It is mandatory that you enter the keywords in the Advanced Search field if you go for this optional one.
Category | You can search a particular item in all the categories or in a particular category. |
Region | A region-wise search is possible for an item. Just enter the item to be searched along with a region name, to know whether there is any item available from that particular region. It is possible to search in all the locations or the one location that you wish to select. |
Price Range From: ---- to ---- | If you wish to know the list of items available within a price range, you can specify that range in the columns provided. In the case of auction type listing, current bid is the Price. In the case of fixed price listing type, buy it now price is the Price of the item. |
Buy price From: ---- to ---- | If you want to know the list of Buy Now items under your range, you can supply the desired price range in this column. |
Type | You are free to know about the items for which: •Auctions are going on(Current Auctions only) •Completed auctions(Completed Auctions only) •Both completed and current auctions (All Auctions) |
Zip Code | Searching using Zip code finds those items belonging to that respective region. |
Within distance ---- miles | You can also search an item from a specific region or within a particular distance from your home town by entering the Zip code and the distance. To get the desired item, it is mandatory that you enter both the Zip code and the distance in miles. |
Results per page | Specifies the maximum number of items that you want to display per page. |
You can Search for an item by supplying its Item ID. Item ID is the item number associated with that item. The system will retrieve the item with that particular Item Number. Note that the item ID for an item will be unique. i.e,no two items can have the same item ID.
If you want to have a glimpse of a particular seller, just provide his/her used ID in the field provided. You can mark any of the three options listed down for a detailed search, based on the type of his auction. Three options are:
1.View seller's current auctions | Lists items of that seller whose items are currently under auction. |
2.View seller's completed auctions | Lists items of the seller, for which the auctions are closed. |
3.View seller's all auctions | Lists items of the specified seller for which auctions had ended and are currently under auction. |
This facility will provide you with the details of the bidders involved in the auction even if the auctions are closed or currently ongoing or both. You can mark any of the three options listed down for a detailed search, based on the type of the auction. Three options are:
1.View bids on current auctions | Lists the current auctions a user is bidding on. |
2.View bids on completed auctions | Lists the closed auctions a user is bidding on. |
3.View all bids on all auctions | Lists the current and closed auctions a user is bidding on. |