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HomeAuctionsWant AdsPheasants > Red Golden Pheasant Hen
Red Golden Pheasant Hen
Ad Poster bluecreek-farm
bluecreek-farm (100% 67) OfflineStar me
Registered: 04/05/2012
Location: CORTLAND, NY
Country: US US
Visit store: blue-creek-farmStore
Blue Creek Farm is a family owned, small-scale farm that is located in Central New York. Our facilities are located right at our home. We do allow people to come and pick-up their birds, and we do also ship. At our farm we raise exotic waterfowl, pe
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Start Time:Tuesday, March 05, 2013 10:24 PM
End Time:Friday, April 05, 2013 04:53 AM
Ad Poster: bluecreek-farm (100% 67) Offline Star me
Ad ID:353
Country:US United States
Location: CORTLAND NY 13045
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I am looking for a Red Golden Pheasant hen for my friend who has a lonely Red Golden male.  I would like the hen to be free of defects and pure.  The age of the hen does not matter, as long as she is breeding age.  Please contact me if you have a hen for sale.  Thanks for the help.

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