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HomeAuctionsWant AdsDucks - Wild > Wood duck drake
Wood duck drake
Ad Poster geccoguy
geccoguy (97% 37) OfflineStar me
Registered: 03/25/2012
Location: Parish, NY
Country: US US
Visit store: geccoguyStore
Time Left:connecting...
Start Time:Wednesday, February 27, 2013 05:48 PM
End Time:Saturday, April 06, 2013 08:01 AM
Ad Poster: geccoguy (97% 37) Offline Star me
Ad ID:348
Country:US United States
Location: Parish NY 13131
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In need of  a Drake split/silver Wood duck. Any age is fine, May be interested in a Pair at the right price. You can reply to ad or email munz@twcny.rr.com A silver drake is ok too.

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